Facing Foreclosure in Orlando Florida

3 Solutions Global Abundance LLC Can Offer Homeowners Who are Facing Foreclosure in Orlando Florida

Hey, guess what? As a homeowner, you’re probably aware that unexpected events can pop up and cause a financial strain. And let’s be real, no one wants to deal with the nightmare of foreclosure. It can be super stressful, expensive, and give you a major headache in no time. If you are worried about losing your house, because you’re facing foreclosure in Orlando, here are some solutions Global Abundance LLC can offer you to help save your credit, your pride, and of course your bank account! With these options available, homeowners facing foreclosure in Orlando have options to explore before losing their homes.

The foreclosure process typically starts with the lender sending a notice of default to the homeowner. This gives them an opportunity to bring their mortgage payments up to date. If the homeowner is unable to do so, the lender can initiate a foreclosure lawsuit which can ultimately result in the sale of the home at auction. It is important for homeowners facing this situation in Orlando, Florida to seek professional advice and explore all available options before deciding on a course of action.

We Can Buy Your House Out Right

The fast and easiest way to get the bank off your back is to sell your house fast. With a direct sale to Global Abundance LLC, you’ll have the opportunity to sell your property quickly, as-is, and without the costs and stress of dealing with the MLS. We pay great prices for houses in the Orange County area and have the ability to close at your convenience. Global Abundance LLC can also help you determine if a listing makes better sense.  Either way, we’ll happily answer any questions you have about the process.

We Can Help You List Your House

Listing is another great option for selling your Orlando home that Global Abundance LLC can offer you. As hybrid agent/investors, our team offers unique solutions to tackle any difficult property or situation. We’ll help you run the numbers to make sure a traditional listing is in your best interest. While Global Abundance LLC works with some of the best agents in Orlando, a traditional sale can take some time. If you are facing foreclosure right now, a direct sale may be the option to explore first.

Live Rent Free in the Home with Tax Foreclosures

Are you dealing with an impending tax foreclosure, but don’t want to have to move right away? We have an option that may work in your favor by buying you some time. When you work with Global Abundance LLC, you will be able to avoid foreclosure and stay in your home! We work with homeowners who need to sell their properties quickly, giving them a great offer and the ability to stay right where they are for an agreed upon amount of time. Many homeowners utilize this option to work out their finances while looking for the perfect new property to call home.

Other Options Available to You…

Some of the other steps you can take that can help if you are facing foreclosure in Orlando include loan modification, a short sale, or a deed in lieu of foreclosure. The way the loan modification works is, you’re able to modify the terms of your loan for the purpose of lowering your monthly payment. If you choose that route, you’ll need to prepare the necessary documents, such as financial statements and hardship letters, while negotiating with your lender to get the terms you want. A short sale is yet another way to help avoid foreclosure on your home in Orlando. With a short sale, you’ll be able to sell your house for less than what you owe on your mortgage. Once again, you’ll need to work out the terms with your lender. Finally, a deed in lieu of foreclosure lets you transfer ownership of your property to your lender in exchange for forgiveness of your mortgage debt.

Facing foreclosure in Orlando? The entire process can be a stressful and overwhelming experience for any homeowner whether you’re facing tax or mortgage foreclosure. Feel good in knowing that you are not the first nor the last person to be in this situation. You can and will through it. We have a team of experts who can guide you through every step of the way and ensure that you receive the best possible terms. Reach out to us to help put together the right solution for you. We will make you an offer now! Call us today for more information. (800) 953-2124

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