Problems Sellers Face

Common Problems Sellers Face When Working With Chicago Real Estate Agents

Typical Problems Sellers Face When Dealing With Chicago Real Estate Agents

There are lots of problems sellers face when working with real estate agents in the city of Chicago. Find out more about what to keep an eye out for in our latest article!

Before we begin, let us initially say that there are some truly fantastic agents out there. However, selling with one isn’t constantly the best method to sell a house. Every home is distinct as is every situation sellers are dealing with. This is why there should be options when selling. Before you choose to list your house, consider all of the ways you can sell your Chicagoland property, and after that choose which approach is right for you. Below are a few typical barriers sellers deal with when dealing with an agent.

The Cash Up Front

When you list a home it will need to be competitive with the others on the marketplace if you want to sell quickly. Most houses will require not only repairs however also a comprehensive cleansing and continued upkeep. You may wish to stage or pay to have a few of your belonging put in storage to make your house appear less chaotic. These expenses enter into play prior to the listing agreement is even signed.

Marketing and Other Expenditures

Not all agents are full service. Some will charge you extra charges on top of their commission. Or they will leave certain aspects of the marketing approximately you. There are flat rate real estate agents who will list your property on the MLS and that’s it. You will need to show the property, deal with questions, pay for additional marketing and more. Every agent is different in what they provide. If you decide to deal with a real estate agent in Chicago, ensure you understand what services they offer.

Glorified Market Price

This isn’t true of all agents, but some will glorify your listing cost in order to have you sign with them. This can hurt your capability to sell rapidly as a high cost will make lots of people look the other way. You will eventually need to reduce the price, which only squanders your time in the long run. Homes that rest on the MLS get no chance near as much attention as fresh listings hitting the market. This is why it is very important to price your property properly from the beginning.

A Non-Responsive Agent

There is absolutely nothing more upsetting than being stuck in a listing agreement with someone who does not return your calls. An excellent agent will make you feel as if you are their only customer. They will answer all of your calls and questions and touch base with you frequently to let you know of any advancements in the selling procedure. You should never have to call more than one time or spend time needing to track them down. Keep in mind, they work for you!

Being Stuck In A Contract

Getting stuck in a listing agreement can be very frustrating. Most agreements will mention that the agent is entitled to their commission no matter how your house is sold. Even if you find the buyer yourself, you will still be required to pay your agent. It is particularly frustrating when you get stuck to an agent who isn’t working as tough as they need to be. You can discover yourself doing much of the work, only to have them gather their fees when all is said and done.

Selling Direct May Be For You

For lots of homes in the Chicago location, a direct sale can be a much better choice. There are no commissions, added costs, repair work expenses, or marketing costs. You will not have to wait around for a purchaser or worry about the sale falling through.

Would you like to prevent some of the more typical issues sellers face in Chicago? We can help! Contact us today! (800) 953-2124

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